hook code

  1. G

    How find Hook-codes for untranslated visual novels

    Im relatively new in the world of MTL and I want to know how people find or create(?) Hook-codes for read untranslated visual novels, some of the old games I cant find the hook code on any forum and textractor dont hook automatically. The gods who posts that hook code first, how did they get it?
  2. Goliath Vietnam

    [H-code] Can someone help me find hook code for 春音アリス*グラム /Haruoto Alice Gram ?

    I'm using this game version come with fandisc and full appends https://vndb.org/r79858 I used Textractor , but the text i found with Kanji + katakana letters above them always missing (the other text with kanjis only are fine) Much thanks if anyone can help me