
  1. Aki2

    Graphics tablet

    Hey there, So...I've been thinking about getting myself a graphics tablet but so far I ended up more confused after my market research than I was before. I just want a tablet (or a pen alone with the same function for all I care) to imitate paper+pen action. But whereever I look it's always a...
  2. W

    Computer Problems: Help Desk

    Need help with a certain computer problem? Software, hardware, etc. I'll do my best to help you fix it.
  3. Perplexing

    What do you feel will happen if we lost our technology?

    Lets face it in this day in age technology reigns supreme. I mean who would have thought 10 years ago that we could control virtually every piece of hardware via a smart phone? Sure we had the sci fi shows that made these ideals that numerous people have acted upon thus creating such wonderful...