
  1. ~SnowAngel~

    New Year Resolutions for 2015!

    What are some goals you have for this year? :D Some of mine are: Exercise at least twice a week, 15 mins or more. Make a couple new friends Read 3 books Practice writing anything once a week. Find my career path ^^
  2. ~SnowAngel~

    what are your future goals?

    [COLOR="#ff00cc"]*please be polite and thoughtful (no sarcasm please! x-x) what are the major long-term or short-term goals you're hoping to achieve? what have you been doing recently to go toward them? what has been getting in the way of achieving those goals? after writing your reply, read...
  3. Perplexing

    What are your goals in life?

    Simple question I suppose :P Considering the various age groups here I think it would be interesting to learn about everyone's goals and for those who are old like me have you accomplished any? For myself I've accomplished several of my goals such as being a family man, and living as long as...