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  1. Karlotto

    Hello I am new here ^^ Nice to meet you guys :D

    I don`t always welcome new members, but your username kicks ass. Welcome to ASF!
  2. Karlotto


    A thousand welcomes to you! Now, I must tend to my wrist. I see how that one guy broke his fingers playing God of War, it beats the tar outta your hands.
  3. Karlotto

    Allow me to re-introduce myself...

    Back when I used to lurk round here for downloads I saw your name in a few places. Welcome back and have fun!
  4. Karlotto


    Correction, you bite. I eat. And welcome romulus! I`d greet you in a more creative way but I can never think of any!
  5. Karlotto

    Hi im new here :)

    I`ll let you both wear each other out fighting....then I will make my move....
  6. Karlotto

    Hi im new here :)

    Well, theres a thrash metal band named Megadeth. Or, it could`ve been you heard the actual word Megadeath which is a term for one million deaths by nuclear explosion. And Hi mrmegadeath! Don`t mind me coming in and posting dark facts about the depressing subject of nuclear war. The longer you...
  7. Karlotto

    Hello everyone!

    Hello! Or actually, my timezone it`s 12am right now so, Ohayo! That was one of my first japanese words and I don`t get to use it very often... We`ve been getting new members out the wazoo lately. I hope it`s just a matter of time till someone makes an intro thread titled "Hello World." Best...
  8. Karlotto

    its late

    Hello! To me it`s actually not that late. Insomnia. 5-8am bed time....2-3 hours of sleep........ugh. My schedule will come in handy if I become a doctor though. I love the medical field. Not enough dedication though...
  9. Karlotto

    New here

    Well, ask away! I mean, unless it`s technical I probably can`t answer your question, but there are plenty here who can. And welcome by the way.
  10. Karlotto

    Hello Mina san !

    Hello! I`m the same way with japanese. Kanji just doesn`t click. I`m fine with the Kana though.
  11. Karlotto

    Dynamic Entry!

    Konnichiwa! Anime Sharing ni youkoso! (Did I say that right? Please tell me I didn`t just embarrass myself.) Enjoy your stay here. And be sure to spam alot. All the cool kids are doin it.
  12. Karlotto

    Hello Everyone : )

    As everyone else has said, Welcome to the world of AS! Where the women are fine, the weather is great, and Pina Colada`s are always available in the rain.
  13. Karlotto


    Yeah. He`s my friend irl.
  14. Karlotto


    Well, fine. But know this, I am still correct!
  15. Karlotto


    And I am correct.
  16. Karlotto


    Yes...well. You sure found something...interesting for your intro huh? Anyway, thanks for finally joining. And for every one else, yes I am said friend.
  17. Karlotto


    Salutations, Greetings, and other phrases of the like! (spam) Hope you enjoy yourself here! (spam) Now, if you`ll excuse me, I have become sidetracked from an important task. (spam) (You spamming yet?)
  18. Karlotto

    Nice to meet u all !

    New Member! I remember those days.... mainly cause I`m still in 'em. Anyway, welcome to the forum, and please excuse my cheesy "member" joke. I couldn`t resist.
  19. Karlotto

    Hello everyone!!

    For the rules, just don`t post anything overly obscene (the hentai section would be an exception for this.) and don`t curse too much. (am I missing anything?)
  20. Karlotto

    Hello everyone!!

    Hi! Welcome to the forums. Hope you have a good time!