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  1. Freezingdxd


    +1 seems to be plenty of interest in North Box games at least
  2. Freezingdxd

    [Request] 支配の教壇II [Released]

    Re: [Request] 支配の教壇II Girlcelly and Shine have uploaded the game, but we need a legit crack atm to play it.
  3. Freezingdxd

    REQUEST モノノ系彼女~陰キャですが、恋して良いですか?~ [Released]

    Re: REQUEST モノノ系彼女~陰キャですが、恋して良いですか?~ Update: After selling out on Toranoana, it has also sold out on Melonbooks now. Wow, never saw a H-game sell out so fast after release before. What you say is also not entirely true. Anime doesn't technically fall under the pornography category and is...
  4. Freezingdxd

    REQUEST モノノ系彼女~陰キャですが、恋して良いですか?~ [Released]

    Re: REQUEST モノノ系彼女~陰キャですが、恋して良いですか?~ Well, sex sells lol. The better the quality, the better it sells. The physical version of this game has been selling like hotcakes and is almost sold out already. No doubt this has a lot to do with not being available for free through pirating as well. I...
  5. Freezingdxd

    REQUEST モノノ系彼女~陰キャですが、恋して良いですか?~ [Released]

    Re: REQUEST モノノ系彼女~陰キャですが、恋して良いですか?~ Inb4 skipped because overlooked as new company even though GOTY potential xD
  6. Freezingdxd

    [Request]: MILK・ジャンキー2

    Nice timing lol, seconded. Actually, a torrent of all 3 Milk Junkies games would be fantastic. Anyone able to make this happen?