Search results for query: *

  1. E

    [Request] [071122] [C:drive] ツイ☆てる

    iso file is actually corrupted
  2. E

    [Request][040429] 永遠の夏日(Windows版)

    +1 super rare stuff
  3. E

    [REQUEST] Sakura-iro Dreamer
  4. E

    [Request] Secret Agent~騎士学園の忍びなるもの~ [Released]

    Re: [Request] Secret Agent~騎士学園の忍びなるもの~ looooooooool, just wait dudes. E is very popular brand, someone will uptload game sooner or later :) but just IMHO it is not that bad that ppl not sharing new products instantly. game developers should earn some money too. there are bunch of ppl who have...
  5. E

    REQUEST モノノ系彼女~陰キャですが、恋して良いですか?~ [Released]

    Re: REQUEST モノノ系彼女~陰キャですが、恋して良いですか?~ for now, they dont share their sh1t until someone else does. years may pass, and if no one else upload it, they will not either. sh1ttiest warez group ever :D danm, cant believe I respected they before
  6. E

    Request Ace of Spades 2

    Good boy. I happy for you!
  7. E

    Looking for Iro ni Ide ni keri Waga Koi wa

    товарищ, почисть немного свой личный ящик, а то я никак не могу тебе сообщение отправить :) //sorry for offtopic
  8. *.cue files for NaturalZero+ ~はじまりと終わりの場所で~

    *.cue files for NaturalZero+ ~はじまりと終わりの場所で~

    If you have this game please post 2 cue files from the package. They're small text files, less that 1kb in length, so you can just copy paste them here. Thanks.
  9. E

    番組を見守るADガール・マモリ (tokuten(DLC) of (Chealsea soft) suite life)!FfRmjb6R!Y8lP3vWVzxKYS4sv52y0Eg -> in Extra folder
  10. crack/serial for チアもえ×まほ★がく

    crack/serial for チアもえ×まほ★がく

    I downloaded チアもえ×まほ★がく long time ago, but the game requires serial key to install and package files are encrypted. So its impossible just to unpack them. If someone can share woring key or crack I will be very grateful. Link to the game if you are interested
  11. E

    [Request] ドーターファッカー~パパはご主人様~

    я не патриот, но... автором сценария указан какой-то JUN, а должен быть Набоков :D funny, author of the scenario specified as JUN, but should be a Nabokov lol
  12. E

    [Request] ぱんちょDEブラボー!

    Sad shit. Thanks for info.
  13. E

    [Request] ぱんちょDEブラボー!

    Agree. But filesize almost mathes with old(dead) release on Share.
  14. E

    [Request] ぱんちょDEブラボー! requires premium account for downloading. and there is a chance that its fake... so if somebody here already has premium on alphafile you can improve your karma by reuploading it on mega(or somewhere else)
  15. E

    [Request] ぱんちょDEブラボー!

    тоже ищу эту новеллу looking for this too