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  1. shamashii

    Bug [Solved]About RSS

    Solved! Thumb up
  2. shamashii

    Bug [Solved]About RSS

    I used greatnews for years(HP down) because of it's offline archive. It seemed v2 updated to modern html code: which it cannot handle If I replace img src="" with img src="" the image will load
  3. shamashii

    Bug [Solved]About RSS

  4. shamashii

    Bug [Solved]About RSS

    Thank you for fast fix! Now there are 2 small glitches: 1, Images not showing which before fix do 2, Since I can only subscribe whole forum threads, before v2, there seems a default lable add on thread title, eg. [Voice]xxx So can you add sub forum section RSS or add the thread lable back? I'm...
  5. shamashii

    Bug [Solved]About RSS

  6. shamashii

    Bug [Solved]About RSS

    V2 now it can only show partial content as they display full before, can you fix it? It's very important for me to get bulk download links or will be a disaster, thank you! edit: and also there is an [email protected] prefix on author field