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  1. riiche

    Anime Endings that made you cry. . .

    I never watched the live action movie so I can't make a comparison >< But you should still give the anime version a try nonetheless~
  2. riiche

    The anime guide version update for winter season.

    Very much looking forward to Silver Spoon S2 and Tonari no Seki-kun looks interesting. I might be able to finally make progress on my backlog during this season judging from the lineup so far.
  3. riiche

    Persona 3 The Movie

    I can't wait for this! :> I just assumed that it was going to be an animation movie but live action would be interesting~
  4. riiche

    Anime Endings that made you cry. . .

    Simply from the top of my head.... Clannad After Story, AnoHana (I cry every time), The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Angel Beats!, I think I cried during Sakamichi no Apollon? I teared up somewhat in AIR, ef... I can't remember if it was memories or melodies, 5cm per second Usually I just...
  5. riiche

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Blazblue, Coppelion, Soul Eater, Diabolik Lovers, Gingitsune, Golden Time, Kill la Kill, Kuroko no Basuke 2, Kyoukai no Kanata, Kyousougiga, Log Horizon, Magi 2, Meganebu, Nagi no Asakura, Samurai Flamenco, Yuushibu
  6. riiche

    Dubbed vs Undubbed?

    Undubbed. Dubs are frightening. I went there once just to see how 'bad' it was. Never going again.
  7. riiche

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Shingeki no Kyojin Gintama Devil Survivor 2 UtaPri Hataraku Maou-sama Karneval Brave 10 I was supposed to be backlog clearing but most of these ending being current anime.