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  1. LioNeeZ

    Married, Single, or in a Relationship?

    well I dont really want marriage anymore, because of feminists and some other individual acts. All the people in that party do is trying to strip the straight male gender out of every right they have turning them into an object, and as an individual male I think I am obligated to keep myself...
  2. LioNeeZ

    What do you think of Windows 10?

    With all the maintaining around it I still managed to hear a ton of bugs that the system has. Also with that free windows 10 install they are offering I am compelled to think that its like an open beta, I mean com'on since when did Microsoft made windows free besides windows 10. So no, I am...
  3. LioNeeZ

    Question about death penalty

    Well I think that death penalty is kind of wrong, even if it is a good solution to problem. but that is pure sentimentality, I feel bad for the criminal and I dont want to be lumped up as blood thirsty as him by allowing such punishments, but this is pure sentimentality, so as for your questions...
  4. LioNeeZ

    Are Anime Fans Shy?

    yea... I guess you can call me shy :sigh: *feel defeated*
  5. LioNeeZ

    Do you have kids, want kids, or don't want kids?

    having kids is so troublesome, not the kids them self but this whole family business. most families today have only 1 parent raising them since we have this thing called a "divorce", also calling that a mistake in choice is kind of brutal for the kid if thats why one side decides to divorce or...
  6. LioNeeZ

    Polyamory and monogamous opinions

    Hello guys, I hope you are all well. Recently I seen a documentary about Polyamory families[Families that have more than 2 parents in simple words] and It got me thinking, because they did raise some good points but the idea of that in my opinion is kind of weird and hard to get used too for me...
  7. LioNeeZ

    "Moe/OtakuTargeted" Radio Channels in Japan?

    Lol, I only listen to radio when im in a vehicle, plus where I live this sort of stuff is abnormal to such a level that there is no community for it at all. so its a no for me ^^.
  8. LioNeeZ

    The Spooks

    ... I am soo dissapointed in my countery for not being able to bring at least the book I wish to buy...
  9. LioNeeZ

    The Spooks

    well if you read only 7 books and jump to the tenth book you are spoiling what will happen eventually, I just dont want to bump into major spoilers :goodtea: SPOILER: you must agree that if I where to read it like that it would spoil the story.
  10. LioNeeZ

    The Spooks

    but he had quite a few books by than I started reading them in 12, well in the middle and I reached as far as the spooks sacrafice in 2 months by than, after that I gotten 2 boots the 10'th and 11'th, but I wouldnt dare to read the 10'th it will do major spoilers. and by the way I never heard...
  11. LioNeeZ

    The Spooks

    well I did skip some books to slither tale because it dosent do me any spoilers about the other spook books with tom ward alice and georgy, but still I cant find the other books...nor any PDF's. by the way I am still suprised to find someone that reads "the spooks", most people dont even know...
  12. LioNeeZ

    what are your future goals?

    to live a good and interesting life, anything may need to be done to achive it but that is my main goal. plain young me :goodtea:.
  13. LioNeeZ

    Would you go to mars if you could never go back?

    well they are smart people who considered this possibility so I think they are doing the tests to back up their claims, soo... - about that dome and that they practiced its reliability here on earth is out of the question, because they mimic in some closed area mars's environmental conditions...
  14. LioNeeZ

    Are you afraid of dying?

    I am soo scared right now of death after reading this creepy pasta ("it hurts a bit") :crushed:
  15. LioNeeZ

    Would you go to mars if you could never go back?

    nanashi1, well actually it will be controlled by the first people or those who manage the project waaaay up there, since most of the goverments signed a document that dosent allow them to own any parts of outerspace. well that is what I understood at the least :fulfilled: P.S - actually I was...
  16. LioNeeZ

    Would you go to mars if you could never go back?

    talking about inhabating places, Do you know that some companies sell places in outerspace to people? and they actually BUY places they could never reach in their life time, oh and there is also a docoment that states that no nation can own any part of outerspace while a private individual could...
  17. LioNeeZ

    Married, Single, or in a Relationship?

    still single :goodtea: I soo wanted to write signel instead :fulfilled:
  18. LioNeeZ

    Would you go to mars if you could never go back?

    dont make fun of Sci fi movies :scared: I know for a fact that there are some geniuses out there who jest wander around looking for new ideas. I dont think we should inspire them anymore than they are :goodtea:.
  19. LioNeeZ

    What do you feel will happen if we lost our technology?

    I think It will be great :goodtea:
  20. LioNeeZ

    Would you go to mars if you could never go back?

    Well I jest stomped upon this subject, actually there is a company called MarsOne (with some others) that is planning on colonizing mars by 2023 but you can never go back to earth once you agreed. than my question will be, would you agree to give up on your life on earth and everything that goes...