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  1. R

    [PSVita] Have you seen this upcoming game for PS Vita? O_O

    Definitely a game I would never buy. I must play as a man in an ecchi game, always! Kills the immersion and fun factor for me to play as a woman in this kind of game (no problem with it in other genres however).
  2. R

    Your favorite game developer, what are they?

    ATLUS, because of the SMT and Persona series. Favorite developer ever. I love everything about their games- challenge, art, music, characters, plot, setting, EVERYTHING! *waves ATLUS fanboy flag* After that would be Blizzard, because in my opinion they make the best multiplayer games that I...
  3. R

    What games have you bought recently?

    Mass Effect 3- enjoying it so far.
  4. R

    What games made you cry?

    I cried like a baby when Aeris is killed in FF7. A FREAKING BABY! Probably the only time I ever cried in a game.
  5. R

    What game introduced you to the RPG genre?

    After Chrono Trigger, I developed an insatiable appetite for JRPGs.
  6. R

    tales of berseria question

    It's probably the best Tales game in a while. The battle system is still dumbed down (Graces is still the BEST in my opinion), you just push 1 button and the entire combo performs itself..haha. The battles have their moments though, so don't play anything under moderate. Just forget about...
  7. R

    You gotta play Zelda botw right now or you're missing out

    I will buy it on the WII U when it's not $60. Saving that cash for Persona 5, man!
  8. R

    Have you ever been embarrassed to buy a game(s) in your collection

    I USED to be embarrassed to buy any game with a cute anime girl on the front, but now, I just don't give a damn. People are less hateful of anime these days. Every ero game is order online, so, no fear of worry there. GalGun2 was probably the most ecchi game I bought on Steam and I did hide...
  9. R

    What game are you currently playing?

    Dungeon Travelers 2 has been eating my nights. Persona 5 is coming soon..then that will eat my life.
  10. R

    What game are you currently playing?

    Pokémon Sun, Sword Art Online Hollow Realz, Heroes of the Storm, Shantae 1/2 Genie. Nice to rotate consoles and games!