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  1. MooGoesTheMaid

    What game are you currently playing?

    I'm currently playing Dead or Alive: Dimensions.
  2. MooGoesTheMaid

    best RPG game poll

    Wow... This is tough, since a few of my favorite series are Ar Tonelico, Record of Agarest War and Xenosaga. (I'll be so happy if they port the Xensoaga series onto Vita and 3DS. >.< )
  3. MooGoesTheMaid

    Senran Kagura Burst Localization (3DS)

    For a while now many of us have been petitioning/requesting for Senran Kagura games. Not long ago an article was made and we heard that Xseed Games might give the games consideration this brought all of us Senran Kagura fans even more hope. We also heard that, yes, Xseed Games does hear us and...