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  1. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    don't get me wrong, it can still be entertaining and amusing just dont expect it to be a masterpiece, like playing a nukige you wouldnt expect much out of the story right? but its still in overall enjoyable... kinda
  2. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Just finished 流星ワールドアクター
  3. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    unorthodox recommendation: 仄暗き時の果てより
  4. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    well i havent gotten so far yet but its a mystery/detective theme mixed with fantasy with an unusual slacky low rank seemingly pathetic detective as MC. it doesnt seem to be a true mystery setting though and there's quite a lot of law and police terms though in the general the japanese isnt that...
  5. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    just finished なついろレシピ. it took me longer than i expected but was very worth it. for those looking for a simple, steady, almost conflict free inaka romance to soothes your heart after playing serious or disturbing story than this i recommend. For some reason this is the only game that Pulltop Air...
  6. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    havent played it but thank anyway. also do you have [140425][HOOKSOFT] MeltyMoment -メルティモーメント- オリジナルサウンドトラック?
  7. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    i've been wanting to play that long ago especially since i liked the anime (im into inaka setting) but i have this problem: my laptop screen is 16:9 1366x768p but the game max size is like 1280x720p which in normal game when you put it into fullscreen it can just put the display at center while...
  8. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    haha that was rather quick of you to play (well it is weekend) I only went through haruruko route and at the end it kinda feels bland but it was ok for me. I also lately has been dropping various VN that feels boring or the plot angers me lately like the "I love black hair so much"(of course the...
  9. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    yes the history of kanji (literally chinese character) was perhaps the biggest failure of character adaptation in terms of original intention and yes time will heal erase everything so no use dwelling on it forever
  10. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    granted verbal japanese and their choice of kanji are waaay easier than literal ones like those glorified form like 終焉 or 証左 or technical terms
  11. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    call me an oddball but i actually find it easier to understand words if written in kanji than with kana and i read things slowly as to get all the detail before clicking next. i also always wait for the voice to stop before proceeding and now that you mention it japanese is my third languange...
  12. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    thats some dedication. I usually stopped in just one route no matter how good the game is mostly because the story is settled. even if there's a true route i never really bothered other than Yosuga no Sora sora's route which isnt that hard to unlock
  13. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    I kinda feel guilty if i skipped. skipping H scene is one thing but skipping story makes me think if its that boring and unenjoyable than just drop it and move on. also i hope they gave the death penalty to that lowly arsonist and i hope to see him burn (though unlikely) for his sins. if you...
  14. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    both. completing all routes (without skipping off course) in a regular VN or finishing all gameplay. The only VN I ever 100% fully read is just a short nukige. other than i mostly just pick a girl and be done with it at the end, moving to another game than another heroine. what luxury we have
  15. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Hi I hope this doesn't sound imprudent but do you have Bloody Saga OST? i tried searching the internet to no avail so maybe you know how to rip game files and all also does anyone here ever 100% completed a VN? just curious
  16. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    its cool. we all have our own views and preferences yes for strange reason waffle make quite a series of it and here i thought they just make one title nukige series I concur. cheers on that it is frustrating. I never got to finish the first. super hard, makes you want to cheat never...
  17. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    I can understand that but for me i prefer jerk MC who's not NTR/rape nukige level as they're unique rather than the generic boring "kind is my only selling point" MC of most highschool romance visual novel
  18. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Verethragna is the first astronaut games i played and i really liked it, the art, story, romances, the MC and the H. the duel battle was awesome and the various H and hidden (bad end) H is also arousing, it was one of the first VN i played though so i kinda have holes on the story and would like...
  19. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    first of all, I LOVE EUSHULLY games especially because most of their games are set in the same universe which is brilliantly described and have a wide range of character, gameplay, races, and timeline. the first eushully games i played was ikusa megami la dea (back then i didnt know that it was...
  20. V1zi3r

    Visual Novel Cafe

    to be honest this also isnt a harem game but i understand we each have our own preferences. btw can you tell me a harem game that isn't a nukige and have more emphasis on story than H like 竜騎士BloodySaga and not onomatope games, simply a story based VN where you can get all the women in the story...