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    What are you downloading right now?

    Haven't been downloading anything lately. I have too many VNs not finished in my laptop, hundreds if not thousands volumes worth of raw light novels. The last thing I remember downloaded was Haruka Shimotsuki's Musubi-ne Ribbon
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    What game are you currently playing?

    Recently started Shinkukan Dolls (Android). Damn I love them loading screen illustrations.
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    What time is it?

    23:04... can't sleep...
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    What game are you currently playing?

    PC: Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Yes, I love exploring places and driving even if it's through my PC. Mobile: グリモア~私立グリモワール魔法学園~ - Started this recently. VN: Amanari - This short thing should've been finished 2 months ago...
  5. [REQ] ALVINE all albums

    [REQ] ALVINE all albums

    Does anyone have a dl link for all ALVINE's albums? Found some on but they're all dead. And preferably in lossless format. More info:
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    H-game problem: EXE will not start

    /TopicBump/ The message "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item" ―most of the time, when running .exe's― is because an antivirus software detected a threat in the .exe. Try disabling your antivirus and start the...
  8. [REQ] TOMOHIRO TAKESHITA BEST WORKS "World Hitchhiker!" [TKST-0001~2]

    [REQ] TOMOHIRO TAKESHITA BEST WORKS "World Hitchhiker!" [TKST-0001~2]

    Found this torrent with no seeders. Requesting in any lossless format, preferably FLAC.
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    日本語で自己紹介しようぜっ! Let's Introduce Ourselves in Japanese!

    皆様はじめまして。ThatCertainGuyと申します。去年登録した——っていうかあと三日1周年―—のに自己紹介今さらすぎじゃね?と自分でも思いましたが、それは許して下さい。 二十歳、大学生。長男、弟一人、妹(超面倒くさい)一人。 インドネシア生まれ、インドネシア育ち、100%インドネシア人なのに学校で母語はBすら取ったことがありませんでした。英語はそれなりに出来ますが、しゃべったこともありません。日本語にはまだ新人のようなので、間違いがあったらそれも許して下さい。...
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    What time is it?

    nawi; Are we from the same time zone? Where are you? It's 1:43 PM here btw
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    しりとり - Japanese word game

    ドン引き ↑私がアニメを観ることを知った妹のリアクションだった… では、次の方「き」で御願いします。
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    [Request] アステリズム -Astraythem-

    Try searching at -- at least one should work. You'll need a torrent client. Consider downloading this torrent. I'm currently downloading from here too.