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  1. Alpha_stigma

    What upcoming anime are you excited about?

    Well I keep seeing people posting whats your favorite anime, what are you watching now and I think it would be nice for people to discuss what anime they are looking forward to. Honestly I have a few I am looking forward to. Date Alive 2 Mahouka koukou no rettousei Also it looks like Fairy Tail...
  2. Alpha_stigma

    Light novels

    I don't know if this is the correct section but I am looking for recommendations on light novels, I recently got into them and want more like Seirei no Tsukai no Blade Dance, Campione!, Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi, and Sword Art Online. Basically the genres I am looking for are Fantasy, magic...
  3. Alpha_stigma

    Can't remember this anime.

    The only thing I can remember is that at the end of each episode there was like a nosebleed meter for the episode. I know it's not a lot to go on but I can't remember anymore
  4. Alpha_stigma

    Blog weirdness

    okay so today I was going to go to to see if they had new uncensored anime but it said I had to sign in to google account, something they never did before, so i signed in but than it said permission denied and I would have to get an invitation from the author?
  5. Alpha_stigma


    Looking for some good hentai with witches in it, and hentai kind of like eroge! H mo game mo kaihatsu zanmai (the artwork style of eroge)
  6. Alpha_stigma

    Looking for anime to watch

    I am trying to find an anime where a guy ends up either living with or having a close relationship with a girl who just kind of shows up, like sumomomo momomo.
  7. Alpha_stigma

    cannot remember the name of this anime

    Okay I am watching the Sousei no Aquarion again and I keep remembering like images from a similar anime I watched where the main character was kind of like apollo in being kind of wild and animal-like. In the beginning of the anime this character is put in a cage by the people he ends up living...
  8. Alpha_stigma


    Hey guys I just rewatched princess lover and I am trying to think of other anime that has a guy as the main character and one of the girls is a princess or ojou-sama type character. Can anyone recommend some like this hopefully with some romance and comedy
  9. Alpha_stigma

    Koi Ken?

    I saw on the mandragon countdown site that this came up and its supposed to have 2 episodes released but I have not seen them anywhere is it a mistake or are the uploaders just not going to do this one?!_%28Anime_TV%29
  10. Alpha_stigma

    Manga Suggestions

    Okay, I have never read manga before but a few days ago I was on an anime site and saw a new posted manga chapter of noblesse well I started reading it because I was kinda bored and I liked it. So I am looking for some manga to read that has not been made into an anime yet. Comedy, romance...
  11. Alpha_stigma

    Looking for good comedy,romance anime.

    Hey all, I just finished Kaichou Wa Maid-sama and I'm watching a few animes but I want a good comedy anime with some romance in it. I have seen a good number of them so I would just like your favorites and maybe a few that you think people would not have seen
  12. Alpha_stigma

    Shakugan no Shana 3 and Zero No Tsukaima 4

    Hey all, I asked months back if anyone knew if these were coming back or just rumors. A week or two ago I checked a countdown site I use to see whats coming up to see what anime I will watch and I saw that they had Shakugan 3 in confirmed, its now moved into upcoming and in confirmed they also...
  13. Alpha_stigma

    Can't remember the anime, help?

    I watched an anime a while ago that I really liked and want to watch again but for some reason I am drawing a blank on most of the important information. All I can remember is that the girl works at a maid cafe and the guy goes there all the time and just drinks and stuff. There is an idol that...
  14. Alpha_stigma

    ZnT and SnS

    Okay, I have heard that Zero no Tsukaima and Shakugan no Shana are getting new seasons. I keep looking and only find that they have been confirmed to be getting on but they say they were coming out like 2009, than 2010 and yeah. its 2011. lol anyone know more?
  15. Anime series Request

    Anime series Request

    I know there is already a Densetsu No Yuusha No Densetsu thread with links to many ways to download each episode, but I was wondering if there was a complete torrent or download piece anywhere? My comps internets been a bit off lately and id have to be on the comp the entire day to download it...
  16. Alpha_stigma


    I kinda just ran into this website looking for anime to download, and it seemed interesting so I joined. That's all. Thanks