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  1. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    If the preview is to be believed, you can blame Yamato on this since he lead everyone into a trap. Come to thing of it, shouldn't someone have spotted Sui's breasts growing in open public and making Snakes at a crowded resort?
  2. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    I personally thought Takeru had the best route hands down for being mildly entertaining. The idea of a sex crazed lunatic Takeru acting on desires to go after Sui or Rinko is never utilized. I am even willing to overlook the scat because the business woman who happens upon Takeru makes what...
  3. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread! Sorry for double post but according to this Chinese Blog: It takes 2-4 hours to play this game. I am not sure of the villains are supposed to be petty crooks but it feels like most of the effort went into the art rather than the plot.
  4. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    Tinkerbell is the name of the company that makes Inyouchuu and a lot of artists in Japan are merely freelancers taking any sort of gig. It's possible Thinkerbell is the author and they are hiring new artists and writers to make Inyouchuu games. The problem with this game and Etsu is that it...
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    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    Tinkerbell is based in Osaka and the company that produces the Inyouchuu Adult Games.
  6. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    How do the Bad Ends play out? Based on the Preview, it seemed like Rinko leads to Sui getting brainwashed, but Sui getting Brainwashed has no impact. What was the Villains MO? I figured out the plot of the game just by the previews alone. I left out Yamato because I can tell it's his fault...
  7. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    I think they are using Chaccu as the artist for Inyouchuu and Aojiru as the colorist. The girls look more like his design and I remember him being used for the manga adaptation. His design are far more rounder and pleasing to the eye but he's reliant on the script that Cyberworks provide to him...
  8. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    Apparently the Mind Control works like Star Trek: The snakes lay eggs in Rinko, then transfer from Rinko to Sui and control her into making larger snakes. The technique looks like something Captain Ginyu would use. The snakes grow in Sui's breasts and come out bigger. I just played the preview...
  9. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    It's explained that the Snakes are doing something with her fat and milk to make her breasts grow. It's possible Sui's posture looks more like she's standing instead of laying on the lounge chair and her legs are spread. I couldn't take the plot seriously because of how over the top Takeru's Bad...
  10. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    ...using Science to defeat her while Mikoto and Takeru get destroyed, and Rinko gets futa. I have to thank Inyouchuu for giving me science lessons. *Sui's Affinity is water but the bad guy is using Surface Tension, Repulsion, and Viscosity Modification to make her boobs expand! Sui is a walking...
  11. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    Mikoto and Takeru seem to be the stars based on the amount of merchandise they move on sites. Sorry if I am appearing goofy but I have no method of gathering data aside from assumptions, and stuff being sold. I have no idea of gauging how Japanese fans feel about the characters.
  12. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    Is this villain a woman? I know Inyouchuu had gore but this sounds more like the villain really wants Sui and the Twins dead. I've been guessing that the villain might be Yamato's sister.
  13. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    I literally got blindsighted on by one of the images showing Sui kissing Rinko, Sui getting a lobotomy because of the snakes, and secretly wondering if she just wanted to make Mikoto her bitch or if she really wants to compete with Mikoto for Takeru's affection. Based on the trials, it's not...
  14. K

    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    The plot of the new game is that the Black Cat Branch are investigating the resort and get carried away with their all expenses paid vacation from the client like in Shoku. This is making me wonder if the Inyouchuu Villains are really monsters, or running some property development scam to...
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    2020 Hentai releases - April

    You don't understand: Guys really want h-anime girls as cute as Megumin and Aqua in their hentai.
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    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    Inyouchuu Shuu has a 4.12 scale and a Gold with Silver Crown on DL Site. Not bad for a Day 1 release
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    2020 Hentai releases - April

    It's not replacing anime. It's just better at doing hentai better than hentai anime.
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    Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

    ...that to Shion from Lilith where the events takes place over the span of a few days, but the anime ending killed the interest in the series. *Geists in Shion are just hedonists. The Cat Geist sexually tortured Lydia for a month or so and made her get raped by tentacles and give birth to them...
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    2020 Hentai releases - April

    Hentai is pointless. Titles like Takizawa-san, Galko, Bisque Doll, Eden Zero, Fairy Tail, Interspecies Reviewers have pretty much killed interest in Hentai. It's easier to bait viewers with the late night slot of anime than distribute Hentai. I've been jokingly suggesting that Inyouchuu and...