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  1. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Bugfix update 24.06.03: - Fixed a problem with the country management map entry after using the war map. Either by going into the time skip test and back out, or by using the "teleport bug fix" option in the menu of the sparkling book in Ryen's bedroom, the issue can get fixed in saves that...
  2. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 24.05.31 changes: - The war system in the time skip preview was advanced significantly: Battles in Amagal: 1. Yin Tower [Dialog with Joel and Yasmine before the battle of either the Yin or Yang Tower. The Yin Tower is defended by Yasmine.] 2. Yang Tower [Dialog with Joel and Yasmine...
  3. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 24.05.06 changes: - New brawler battles for Brad. One in the tower east of Kagabanui, one in the tower slightly south of the first tower, and after those two battles you can challenge their master in Lalizan. - In "Act 1" of the time skip events, the military commanders of the other...
  4. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 24.04.09 changes: - In Act 4 of the time skip, a !-icon appears at Aldlyn, which triggers an event to unlock a new area in the top left corner of the map. - The new area will introduce several new characters. - The events serve to teach you more about legendary monstergirls, and to...
  5. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 24.03.19 The main focus in this version was to change the country management map back to a turn system, and to improve the overall performance, since areas like the sneak mission with Elly below the church of Calterburry caused lags and freezes for multiple people. I originally planned...
  6. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Version 24.02.21 changes: - Act 1 of the time skip preview now has a dialog with Frall in Aldlyn, which unlocks a new dungeon area. [You can access the test version of the time skip content when you interact with the sparkling book in Ryen's bedroom in the castle of Aldlyn by selecting the...
  7. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 24.01.18 Due to my vacation over New Year, not much new content is done yet, but I wanted to release an update to show that I'm back, and still working hard. :) As decided in a recent poll, the priority for the wiki update will be the quests. It'll take a while to get everything done...
  8. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 23.12.16 changes: When you go to sleep in your bed in the castle, a message will appear and ask you if you want to enter the 2023 Christmas special dream area. The area shows some dream events of the 12 party members, which give them permanent buffs, and you get tokens for the Christmas...
  9. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 23.11.23 Originally, it wasn't my plan to make two fast but small updates in a row, but I wanted to update the game for some bug fixes, and it always feels better to add some new content with it. The next updates should have the normal size again. Changes: - An npc with a ! above his...
  10. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 23.11.16 I made a small update with new events for the vanguard leader Jessy, so that I can also upload several fixes for bugs and issues together with it. Changes: - When you use your teleport orb after Jessy's CG scene, and with the wedding system unlocked, a new dialog with Jessy...
  11. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    To fix the problem with updating the game on android, I uploaded a new .apk with the version number 23.11.07: Despite being an exact copy, with all settings exactly the game, the programm to create the .apk works...
  12. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 23.11.06 Changes: - I added a new CG scene when you talk with Vampire on the private beach of the island Amaranthe after marrying her. - A new quest becomes available at the Aldlyn city board with a bounty for the pirate Biggs, which unlocks new quests at the end for the wedding with...
  13. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    The small update 23.10.02 adds several bugfixes, improvements, and a new dungeon area: - When you go to the secret mine area in Manastyr, and to the purple forest in the east of that area, you can talk with an NPC in the bottom right to get to a new area. Ryen has to be levle 45+ to be allowed...
  14. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 23.09.25 changes: - The main part of this update is the preview for the "time skip" system and the first part for the war events. The "time skip" system will advance the events after the current end of the main story and is split into different phases. My plan is to keep adding to these...
  15. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Changes in version 23.08.24: - A new dungeon entrance was added to the area of the Shrine of Flunis. In this dungeon is a big door, which requires the events of 8 characters to unlock it: Akai: First meeting Neya: First meeting Aiyana: Good or bad end of her previous events. Mai: Good or bad...
  16. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 23.07.11 changes: The new content contains a chain of new events and several new CG scenes: - The first part is a new quest with the female adventurer trio. It unlocks when you talk with Trey at the sleeping chambers after using the teleport orb when the scene with f-Brad at the cavern...
  17. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Changes: - New dialog with Aika Thanka in the bar of Calterburry when you unlocked the vanguard battle system, won the brawler fight of Brad versus Ash, and when you found the hellhound village in Amagal. The event will introduce her sisters Bennika and Angrika. Angrika will become a vanguard...
  18. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Changes in version 23.05.06: - The dialog option of Cassedy to either annex the Luminous Order, or to make peace with them, are now unlocked and start new events. The battle route will include a bunch of new enemies, and take longer to finish. When the peaceful route for the Order is done, the...
  19. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Changes in version 23.04.15​: - Scuffy Fluffball, the second gun squad leader for your vanguard forces, can now be recruited after you talk with Cassedy about gun squads when Della's gun squad is at level 3 or higher. She is on the page "Central 2" in the CG room. - You can now enter the gun...
  20. RyenSaotome

    [English] [RPG Maker game] Renryuu: Ascension [WIP]

    Update 23.03.31 changes: - New event with Varea. It starts when you talk with Chiyo in the sleeping chambers after her wedding and the CG scene of Varea and Jeanne. - Fixed an issue with the sales of Dorgania on the trading screen. - Changed how Budget and Reputation numbers are shown in the UI...