HYPNOS FUCK all in one


New member
Jul 17, 2016

Please upload all in one from v. to

※『HYPNOS FUCK』の最新版は、です。

※『HYPNOS FUCK 性神覚醒パッチ』の最新版は、です。

※『HYPNOS FUCK 催淫無双パッチ』の最新版は、です。

※『HYPNOS FUCK 催淫感染パッチ』の最新版は、です。

※『HYPNOS FUCK 侵食済 Lv4』へ結合するためには、5作品すべて必要です。
Yeaaa its not that easy to merge all of them into one working thing some files from this some from that tried few times failed gave up #sads aquired
just to be sure,
I need to download every version and play them separately, is that right?
And if I buy the games I can put them all in one file?
or is it still 5 different folders?
I think somone that have bought this game have to redowload each part from developer site and than upload it again.

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retrofuturism wrote on UFO's profile.
Hello Sir
Could you revive the source if possible
[seismic]おしおき日報 アリス編
I appreciate all efforts you have done.
ludagama wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
please reupload
☄️RELEASE☄️[240508][RJ01178632][アトリエTODO] アオハループ 底辺キモオタの僕が転生してスクールカースト第一位の美少女と青春をやり直すお話 [v1.01]
Sirvipe235 wrote on ramori's profile.
Thanks once more!

This is the last game i've been searching for.


Could you perhaps upload it too? I've spent nearly a year trying to find it.
ML1112 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi Ryzen, sorry to bother you but I was wondering, in one of you last upload RJ01032786 I noticed that only one track is present, where in DLsite there are listed 5 tracks. Is your upload correct to have just one track? Thanks in advance, and thanks for you work!