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  • Oh man...sounds tough><. Haha its only three or four days for me untill my vacation. (Its from the 13th to 31st of this month)
    I think mine could also be the same (internet) since it has been raining so much here. The networks pretty down:(
    Oh I play eroges as well:D
    Aww I wanted to talk more:( as I have a holiday on Monday. How many days do you still have for it to end then?
    By the way do you get host error sometimes on ASF? Dunno why I get it sometimes.
    Haha you know me playing games all the time XD.
    I'm not sure either. Especially since another rumor is that they will be using cartridges that max out at 32 GB. While the PS4/X1 use Blu-ray Disc that hold up to 50 GB. Nearly twice as much. Again, these are still all rumors at this point.

    I agree. Nintendo needs a new handheld. Something with better specs then the Vita. Would love playing Fire Emblem on a handheld like that.

    You are probably thinking about the voice acting, and orchestrated music that was in the PS2 version, but removed in the IOS version. Thankfully, they are both present in the 3DS version. Plus 2 new party members.

    Yep Setsuna looks amazing. I'm sure it will be good.
    Yep, I am so not a patient person. Don't get me wrong, I'm a very nice guy, but patience is not one of my virtues.

    Supposedly, the graphics are supposed to be on par with the PS4/Xbox 1, however, that is still a rumor. Not official specs have been released yet.

    I am Setsuna looks great, it's inspired by Chrono Trigger. I will be picking up the PS4 version.
    I know the feeling. I've ordered PVC figures before with SAL and they took 8 weeks for me to receive them from Japan. 8 WEEKS!! I was starting to suspect that they they fail into mail oblivion and I'd never receive them :/ luckily they showed up eventually.

    Yep. NX is the new system. They better do it right this time. The Wii U was a massive fail.

    The new Zelda game being developed the Wii U was also recently announced to be ported to the NX as well. And shortly after that announcement the Wii U version got delayed until 2017, I'm guessing so they can release it alongside the NX version. Sucks cause I wanted to play the new Zelda this year :/

    Yep, I'm getting Star Ocean. Can't wait for it actually. You?

    Will keep me occupied until Persona 5! I love fusing Personas.
    Jez Jez <3 I'm back dearie, hope you've been well ^^
    Yeah I always use FedEx as well. I hate waiting. I'm not a patient person :(

    Started Hyrule Warriors on Wii U. Bought it about a year or so ago, but just recently got around to playing it. It's so much fun, basically mindless action, but I have fun with it. Have you heard of Dynasty/Samurai Warriors? Hyrule Warriors is by the same creators.

    Well I'm getting VC Remastered mainly to support the franchise, but I'll get around to playing it too.
    Play Asia has 2 shipping options for the US. The first option is by USPS (regular mail) it can take anywhere between 2-6 weeks. The 2nd option is by FedEx (Express Mail) It's more expensive, but you will receive the items in 1-2 days. When I use Express shipping from Play Asia I always receive it the next day, for instance if they ship Thursday, I'll receive it Friday, only catch is someone has to be home to sign for the package. It's usually about $10 more for express.

    Yeah, I died a lot in SMT IV as well lol, but it was fun. Can't wait for the sequel.

    It's a great game. It's a Strategy Role Playing Game, similar to Fire Emblem, you move your characters, then the enemy moves their characters, but here it's tanks and guns instead of swords and magic. The Story is basically World War 2 in a fantasy setting. I love SRPG's, they are one of, if not my favorite game genre. And Valkyria Chronicles is one the best SRPG's I've played. Gonna do what I can to support the series, even buying the game 3 times, on 3 different systems.

    Also, my Steam backlog is crazy, I always go crazy with the winter/summer sales. I'm like "hey all these games are only $2 on sale! I'll buy like ten of them" then I don't have time to play them :deadsad:
    Play Asia has 2 shipping options for the US. The first option is by USPS (regular mail) it can take anywhere between 2-6 weeks. The 2nd option is by FedEx (Express Mail) It's more expensive, but you will receive the items in 1-2 days. When I use Express shipping from Play Asia I always receive it the next day, for instance if they ship Thursday, I'll receive it Friday, only catch is someone has to be home to sign for the package. It's usually about $10 more for express.

    Yeah, I died a lot in SMT IV as well lol, but it was fun. Can't wait for the sequel.

    It's a great game. It's a Strategy Role Playing Game, similar to Fire Emblem, you move your characters, then the enemy moves their characters, but here it's tanks and guns instead of swords and magic. The Story is basically World War 2 in a fantasy setting. I love SRPG's, they are one of, if not my favorite game genre. And Valkyria Chronicles is one the best SRPG's I've played.

    Also, my Steam backlog is crazy, I always go crazy with the winter/summer sales. I'm like "hey all these games are only $2 on sale! I'll buy like ten of them" then I don't have time to play them :deadsad:
    you study? O.o

    can be sometimes I'm playing it because ds1 wouldn't work =/

    got addicted to it so hard though.


    what is the crisis that happened? did you accidentally straight up murdered an employee? D:


    hmm I play games like DS2 and FFXIV... hangout with friends or read mangas for fun.... nothing else to do. I am currently watching Lost too.

    jogging! you do that daily?
    My fire emblem if soundtrack finally shipped! Can't wait for it. Should receive week next week sometime.
    I'll let you know how It is if I get it.

    Are you getting Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse? I can't wait for it.

    Getting Valkyria Chronicles Remaster next month on PS4. Even though I own the PS3 version, and Steam version. Mainly getting it to support the series, want them to keep making games. VC 3 never released in the US because VC 2 didn't sell well :(
    just finished the semester been playing dark souls 2 it's challenging :3

    I'm also super lazy to do stuff I wanna finish or learn so badly ;p


    does it give lots of pressure to you? a massage would do wonders ;p

    what do you do for fun? other than playing otome games
    Hiii Jezebel, how are you?

    How's work? :3
    Yeah, side scrolls are not for everyone. I remember now that you told me you didn't want to play Muramasa, and Odin Sphere is by the same developer so it's very similar.

    Oh man that would have been so awesome to get tickets! I love watching sporting events live, but I've never been to a playoff game :( always watch a few Cubs games live each year.

    Actually this is the same game not a sequel. Just getting a HD release. Yep, it's a side scroll. A very good one at that. Love the art design, characters, and gameplay. Only problem was that it was a bit too much for the PS2 to handle, so it had some game breaking slowdown, especially against bosses. This remake should fix that. Getting the Storybook Edition.
    Also, hate to keep adding to your backlog, but if you haven't played the original on PS2, then you HAVE to play this remake. I'm getting the PS4 version, but it's also getting a Vita release. I have this PS2 classics version on my PS3. Great game.
    Yeah I don't really collect Nendoroids, but might get that one. Very cute.

    Nope, not enough time for work, school, friends, and playing games :( My backlog keeps growing :( maybe I'll finish them all before I die.

    And now that the NHL (Hockey) playoffs started, I'm gonna watch most of the Chicago Blackhawks games either at buffalo's wild wings with friends after work, or gonna invite people over for them. Also now that baseball started, I'm trying to watch most of the Chicago Cubs games as well, this is supposed to be their year, last time they won the championship was 1908, 108 years ago, so excited that they are finally predicted to win. And I also have to drive my mom around everywhere as she is having multiple surgeries for her knees which will also eat into my game playing time :/ but oh well. Such is life. So much to do, so little time.
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