Recent content by shin

  1. shin

    [Album] [ASL] Various Artists - acoustic guitar de air [FLAC]

    Thanks. But this is not FLAC but MP3!
  2. shin

    Need help for Baldr Sky DiveX "Dream World"

    You can get here:[100924]-[giga-]-baldr-sky-divex-dream-world-3009/
  3. shin

    日本語が話せるように話しましょう!Let's Learn Japanese by Chatting!

    こんにちは。私の知り合いにミャンマーから来た人がいますが、彼女曰く、日本語と文法が似ているそうで、慣れやすかったそうです。 簡単に思える人もいるみたいですね。
  4. shin

    Questions on an H-game

    Hello. I'm Japanese. As far as I can see, this soft contains audio. Ref : (Note : This cite is written in Japanese) Maybe something is wrong with your data. :(
  5. shin


    Hi, nice to meet you all. I'm shin, Japanese. Though I'm not good at English, I'll enjoy this forum! Please feel free to contact/talk with me :)