Recent content by ricardokenshin

  1. ricardokenshin

    [Japanese] [170728] [エスクード] Re;Lord第三章 ~グローセンの魔王と最後の魔女~ + Bonus [H-Game]

    I had the same problem. Downloaded a locale changer since changing the locale of the computer didn't work. I downloaded this one and it worked
  2. ricardokenshin

    星空のバビロン -迫り来るコズミックすけべおねぇさんズ-

    awesome! thanks for the heads up dude! :D
  3. ricardokenshin

    星空のバビロン -迫り来るコズミックすけべおねぇさんズ-

    yes please! this game looks pretty cool and I love that it's actually a game (probably.)
  4. ricardokenshin

    [Hentai game] [140627] [エスクード] Re:Lord ~ヘルフォルトの魔女とぬいぐるみ~ + Manual + Wallpaper + Update 1.01 [H-Game]

    i have finished the game in both easy and normal understanding nothing haha. I was wondering if you could tell me which out of the options is clothing damage and which is normal damage plz. Also if there were rewards h scenes for taking all the clothes off before finishing the stage. thx in advance
  5. ricardokenshin

    [ILLUSION] ARTIFICIAL ACADEMY 2 (ジンコウガクエン2) - Pre-Release Discussion

    Re: [ILLUSION] ARTIFICIAL ACADEMY 2 (ジンコウガクエン2) [MASTER UP] [FULL MAKER OUT] I totally forgot that the game was going to be released tomorrow. Probably will be until saturday that we get a torrent. Still it's going to be a very good weekend.