Recent content by Jolyne

  1. Jolyne

    [Request] Atom Grrrl!!

    Well xD you know what dude games are all about right !!! Oh btw! HERRO Friend xD heh heh heh :gakuran_excited:
  2. Jolyne

    LPW #141 Welcome Spring!

    Yeah the Weather is ugly... I'd rather have snow with a crystal blue sky :I Drink some hot tea with honey abd role up in a blanked like a sushi role, always helps! XD
  3. Jolyne

    [Request] Atom Grrrl!!

    Oh ic, thanks. Looked more like a dude game to me heh heh heh~ :megane_zing:
  4. Jolyne

    [Request] Atom Grrrl!!

    Is this even Otome?
  5. Jolyne

    What's your very first Otome game?

    Ah ja. Fand das auch blöd das HnK 4 keine synchro hat. . . aber Alice no Kuni ist mit synchro, find das total supi, hab mir das sofort in eine wisch geladen. Otome fans werden immer mehr so das sich nun sogar übersetzungs gruppen gebildet haben die spiele übersetzen klasse oder. :D sollten...
  6. Jolyne

    What's your very first Otome game?

    Oh the rambo Kanata. xD yeah he is kind of cute, but QQ luckily he got is heart operation.
  7. Jolyne

    What's your very first Otome game?

    Ooops hab das total verpeilt. Stimmt schon, aber Japanisch is ja so eine schöne Sprache. Joa ich glaub SS in Spring kam ja erst 2009 oder so raus, ich weiß nur das ich zu der Zeit irgendwann mal angefangen habe mit dem Spielen, hab aber einige Spiele gleichzeitig angefangen. Woah yah! Hiiro no...
  8. Jolyne

    What's your very first Otome game?

    @SilverAliisza well we had our first time with them after all :gakuran_broken: SOOOOO which of them were your frist?
  9. Jolyne

    What's your very first Otome game?

    eh!! OMG bloody wolf saga <333333 I got it during summer break and I think you can guess what I did :gakuran_blush: (so nerdy) I played SS in S when there was no patch, well yeah SS really takes a long time without CG's but SS After Spring "Hell Yeah!". I am not sure but I guess the Yoh did some...
  10. Jolyne

    What's your very first Otome game?

    Oh hello my german friend xD was geht ab. kenn kaum deutsche die Otome games spielen, wie lang bist du schon dabei?
  11. Jolyne

    Do you know the doujinshi?(Otome Game)

    Apparently my perverted Best Friend showed me that game, at the time we were somewhat obsessed with Death Note. And YES I pledge guilty for playing it. Hetalia (not yet played)...
  12. Jolyne

    What's your very first Otome game?

    My first Otome Games were Starry Sky in Spring, Bloody Call, Garnet Cradle not sure which one was my very first, but it should be one of these. :P xD Man I will never forget Yoh kun. Man I was such a brat back than... xD Memories~