Recent content by hazzah

  1. hazzah

    [Japanese] (同人ソフト) [120413] [平安亭] 奪母姦

    Ya Im having same problem, but encountered it before. Unfortunately didnt find a fix for it that was within my capabilities of doing. If its even possible to fix it then some help would be great
  2. hazzah


    Welcome, have fun while your here.
  3. hazzah


    Welcome, have fun while your here.
  4. hazzah


    Welcome, hope you have fun
  5. hazzah

    Konbanwa Minasan!!

    Welcome The hiragana is good practice for me who is studying japanese now.
  6. hazzah


    Hi, welcome to ASF
  7. hazzah


    Not really new here but new to posting on the forums instead of just lurking. Either way hope to get along with everyone:D