Recent content by baggio10

  1. B

    bro numpang tanya .. bro tau gak password utk buka movie dari postingannya Tsubame, soalnya ane...

    bro numpang tanya .. bro tau gak password utk buka movie dari postingannya Tsubame, soalnya ane br download bible black kok dipasswordin yah dan di postnya gak ada list passwordnya thxx..
  2. B

    Dear Tsubame luv ur work> btw what is the password for opening the rar file of ur movie?? be coz...

    Dear Tsubame luv ur work> btw what is the password for opening the rar file of ur movie?? be coz i wanna extract it and it needs password. and i see no password written in ur post.. kindly regards thxx sorry 4 spamming ur visitor messages... coz my pc rather lag so it spammed....