Recent content by ?????

  1. ?????

    Weather !

    partly sunny with a chance of rain
  2. ?????

    bro game pc offline yg bagus apa aja menurut kamu? mau download besar2an nih soalnya di IDWS. yg...

    bro game pc offline yg bagus apa aja menurut kamu? mau download besar2an nih soalnya di IDWS. yg genre RPG strategy ya.
  3. ?????

    game offline ato online? kalo gw online Dragon Nest sama KanColle

    game offline ato online? kalo gw online Dragon Nest sama KanColle
  4. ?????

    gyahahahahah, kamu konek pake apa sih? bolt? speedy, ato yang lain, wifi mungkin? soal cari...

    gyahahahahah, kamu konek pake apa sih? bolt? speedy, ato yang lain, wifi mungkin? soal cari mencari kan ada mbah google, asal tau keyword ajah :D:D:D:D:D btw, online tiap malam ga? kayak kalong? (jam 1 pagi keatas)
  5. ?????

    Tea or Coffee?

    tea + some cookies or snacks when +milk then coffee, or maybe just milk, milk is the best :P
  6. ?????

    What time do you wake up?

    -01.00 / 1 AM -03.00 / 3 AM -05.00 / 5 AM
  7. ?????

    What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

  8. ?????

    What time is it?

    19:32 .
  9. ?????

    Weather !

    i can't tell, coz it's dark already, and it's not hot or cool, just normal.
  10. ?????

    Hi :D

    Hi SylCrist, Anayo, and nanashi ! thanks for the welcome :D:D:D:D:D
  11. ?????

    What time is it?

    16:45 .
  12. ?????

    Tell me your favorite color!

    black, white, red, green, brown, blue, yellow, purple, +++
  13. ?????

    How tall are you ?

    maybe around 156 - 160 cm.
  14. ?????

    Hi :D

    Hello, i'm registered few times ago, and i came here to search my old friends, and i found one of them :D to be honest they're from H***fire, N*****maru, S*****hana, etc. because of autoblock fiture in every ISP in my country i don't able to chat to them more than 2 years, in my country anything...
  15. ?????

    ini Maki kan? kalo diblokir konek pake opsi Network connection di control panel, ganti DNS 1st...

    ini Maki kan? kalo diblokir konek pake opsi Network connection di control panel, ganti DNS 1st 2nd alias google DNS, work, gw kebuka kok IP biarin auto, gw pake smartfren kalong, sial ketipu ama mbak2 gallery nya malah beli modem evdo rev.A kalo yg rev.B bisa 900Kbps ni cuman...