Ordering the eroges from oversea and redistributing them without being effected by japanese law. What a brilliant idea!
There are ways to get eroges outside Japan:
1. Have someone or a shipping service company send games overseas
2. Go to Japan and export games to wherever you live
3. Purchase download edition
4. Use online stores who can ship games abroad
Clearly the option to be able to obtain as many latest eroges as possible is 4 (for 1 it’s hard to keep asking a third person to send as many as 20 to 30 eroges every single month, for 2 travel and shipping expense is just too much, and for 3 download editions for the latest games won't be immediately available).
The issue is that unlike games for all ages, there are very few online stores who ship eroge overseas, e.g. sofmap, getchu, medio, trader, and amazon.jp do not ship eroge overseas partly because different countries have different law on pornography. To the best of my knowledge, amiami is the only online store that covers the latest titles in stock as many and ships products abroad.
Japanese uploaders need to consider security to be the first priority when uploading and need to sacrifice upload speed, which explains the use of the Freenet. Uploaders outside Japan, on the other hand, are a bit free from risk of getting caught in action by Japanese copyright authorities, hence can put more emphasis on upload speed.
As you point out, the safest way is to upload games from outside Japan. Japanese uploaders will continue what they do anyway, but for games that haven’t been shared for long time, we could rely on uploaders outside Japan. Maybe this site could start some paypal account that will collect donation from people in the forum and the uploaders outside Japan could use that money to purchase and share games for the community. I am more than happy to donate when push comes to shove.