Bias Seiyuu


Elite Member
Oct 21, 2012

This section here is about opinion and discussion for our beloved Seiyuu, feel free to add any comment about your bias here

Here are a few of my bias Seiyuu:
Miyano Mamoru (first known Mamo as Tokiya from UtaPrince and then got addicted to his voice)
KENN (BROCON!!! who can resist this cute lil devil *coughnotmecough* and again, his singing and acting voice is soo *wailing*)
NamiDai (BROCON part 2!! LipOn from Rejet >////<)
Nao-nii (Did i mention that his voice is soothing? Wasurenaga series and Oz melt my heart away)

What about your~

Love Kiiyan...I like his voice when he's singing !
but basically I've come to like most of utapri voice actors through their charactersongs. It happens a lot that even though I'm playing the other otome or watching animes when there's more than two utapri voice actors in it I'm really excited lol
maybe more like utapri bias...
Ono Daisuke! Because he's awesome <3
Matsuoka Yoshitsugu >^< Especially in Chronostacia <3
Hoshi Souichirou <3 As Narumi in KamiKimi <3:nyanmusu_sparkle:
Midorin when he doesn't voice a doS (lol) :nyanmusu_cheer:

Well I could make this list longer but I'm not going to kfhgskdl I love almost all the seiyuu except for Hirakawa Daisuke >.<
KENN, what should I say he is a great singer, good seiyuu and an Ikemen :whistle:
Sadly he always plays the guys who I liked the least from a design perspective. With exception as Kei (Ken Ga Kimi) and Shinnosuke (GHP) who are so my type~
Aside from these two, didn't really liked many others like Fuuto or Katsura ect..
But I'm really glad to hear more from him, seems like he got himself quite a reputation in the past years as a seiyuu.
I like Akira Ishida and Hiroshi Kamiya.


It is sad that much Hiroshi Kamiya does not appear in Otome Game.

My favorite seiyuu's:

Midorikawa Hikaru: First know him as Heero Yuy; Asakim and Masaki from SRW games. I love his voice as Akihiko in P3P and Ayato from Diabolik Lover... I also love his voice when he singing xD From BLCD, I love his act in rakuen no Uta along with Hiroshi Kamiya.

Miyano Mamoru: First know him as Setsuna from Gundam 00. Fell in love with his voice as Tokiya from Utapri xD

Hino Satoshi: First know him as Toma from Amnesia. Kyaaa~~ I love his hot voice >w<)/ I also love his act as Shin from Toki no Kizuna and Wabisuke from Gekka Ryouran Romance
Totally Fujiwara Yuuki, I have such a bias that I'm compelled to check out anything that he's in... but since he's not a popular seiyuu, he's not in much stuff. Seriously though, it's so awesome when I play a game and find that he voices a character there, I react in the most positive and amusing of ways XDD Welp, that's until I find that said character has no route... (Damn you, Jewelic Nightmare!!)

As for others, I guess I'm kinda biased to Ishida Akira, KENN and Kakihara Tetsuya ("Man, all of these guys are pretty bad, who should I choose now? Welp, this dude's voiced by Kakihara Tetsuya so sure, let's go for him." XD) but not as much so maybe it's less of a bias and more of me just kind of liking the voice and feeling proud of recognizing it ^^'
I like Akira Ishida and Hiroshi Kamiya.


It is sad that much Hiroshi Kamiya does not appear in Otome Game.


Actually kamiyan voiced Dyse in otome game called Real Rode :nyanmusu_yousee:
My favorite seiyuu are Yasumoto Hiroki, Suwabe Jyunichi and Midorin :nekopara_tehee:
Hirakawa Daisuke - because of his playful intonation
Midorikawa Hikaru - because I just enjoy his voice
Morikawa Toshiyuki - because of my Arles from BWS bias
Actually kamiyan voiced Dyse in otome game called Real Rode :nyanmusu_yousee:
My favorite seiyuu are Yasumoto Hiroki, Suwabe Jyunichi and Midorin :nekopara_tehee:

Hiroshi Kamiya performs to Real Rode. (*´ω`*)
It was Panic Palette and Starry*Sky Summer that I knew.


I have not done the game Hiroki Yasumoto has gone out.

Suzuki Tatsuhisa - I love his songs either as characters or OCD:nyanmusu_happy:
Kakihara Tetsuya - fall in love with his voice because of Natsu :nyanmusu_yeah:
KENN - I quite like him especially when he sings but for some reason I don't like him as Fuuto:nyanmusu_unsure:
Kimura Ryouhei - just the way he speaks...
Takahashi Naozumi - his kiss scenes... so good:nyanmusu_uwawawa: fall in love with it after Bad Medicine
Morikubo Shoutarou - his songs in Bakumatsu Rock:nyanmusu_happy:
Hino Satoshi - Toma...
Maeno Tomoaki - it was Library Wars that got me into him
Suwabe Junnichi - Ren... just how sexy can your voice be:nyanmusu_uwawawa:
Taniyama Kishou - another one because of the songs he sings
Miyano Mamoru - and another one...
Terashima Takuya - and another one
Hatano Wataru - this is something to do with his personality... he is so cute:nyanmusu_cheer:
Suzumura Kenichi - don't like his cute voice as much but otherwise he is great

Ishikawa Kaito is one that's coming onto my list soon just for the fact how I respect him being a professional with a similar age to mine:nyanmusu_sparkle:

I know my list is quite long but I have a feeling that it's just going to get longer:nyanmusu_cry:
Quite a lot of mine are because of the songs they sing. I just love it:nyanmusu_happy:
(sorry for such a long post orz)
My favorite seiyuus:

1. Tatsuhisa Suzuki: discovered him when I was playing TVB and gradually came to like his different roles especially in drama CDs
2. Kaji Yuuki: like how he's really versatile but prefer his deeper voice like in BWS
3. KENN: love his singing voice especially when he sang one of the ending themes for Tap Trap Love... and of course Fuuto XD
4. Tachibana Shinnosuke: completely lethal voice >_<
I actually have my top four (five) seiyuus. I put five in parantheses because he's slowly working his way up to being my favorite seiyuus but not quite there yet. Probably cause I haven't heard a lot of things he's in.

Favorite Seiyuu + Top Roles I Liked

Miyano Mamoru - Tokiya from UtaPri
Kaji Yuki - Kanato from DiaLovers
Kamiya Hiroshi - Juri from BroCon
Kondou Takashi - Subaru from DiaLovers

Kenn - Kei from Ken ga Kimi (he's getting there though!!):nyanmusu_wave:
Kakihara Tetsuya in Amnesia as Shin
Hino Satoshi in Amnesia as Toma and Bloody Call as Shiro.
Hirakawa Daisuke in Diabolik Lover as Sakamaki Raito(He's so pervy! haha).
Kamiya Hiroshi
Suwabe Junichi-he's voice is so damn sexy...
Midorikawa Hikaru
I love Kakki,

I know him after I circle around after I know Nakamura Yuichi.

The first Otome game I play is Starry Sky in Spring, and after fully play the series, I love Nakamura Character which is Kazuki. when I search for the anime Nakamura in, I found that he is a main role in Fairy Tail and I start watching it. After some time, I watch Amnesia and Hakkenden anime, and I found out that there is a same voice as the one in Fairy Tail. From then on, I start my research on Kakihara Tetsuya and now I'm bias with his voice.

I'm still searching for any otome game with him in as the selected character.
I'm already play Wand of Fortune, Amnesia, Bad Medicine, Renai Bancho 2, and now waiting for photograph journey.
I love Kakki,

I know him after I circle around after I know Nakamura Yuichi.

The first Otome game I play is Starry Sky in Spring, and after fully play the series, I love Nakamura Character which is Kazuki. when I search for the anime Nakamura in, I found that he is a main role in Fairy Tail and I start watching it. After some time, I watch Amnesia and Hakkenden anime, and I found out that there is a same voice as the one in Fairy Tail. From then on, I start my research on Kakihara Tetsuya and now I'm bias with his voice.

I'm still searching for any otome game with him in as the selected character.
I'm already play Wand of Fortune, Amnesia, Bad Medicine, Renai Bancho 2, and now waiting for photograph journey.

Another Kakki fan:nyanmusu_cheer:
I know some other games that he is in as the selected character: Jewelic Nightmare, Koibana Days, Shiratsuyu no Kai, Zettai Meikyuu Grimm, Danzai no Maria and Garnet Cradle (I haven't really played the last two but I know he is a selected character)
He has also got (or getting) games on PSV as selected character but I haven't quite looked into it (they are too expensive:nyanmusu_cry:) so I'm not listing them here

(sorry if this ends up going off topic:nyanmusu_bow:)
Wooaah... There's many fan of Kaki xD; I love Hinocchi more though hehehe~

I remember in Otopaa 2013; when he doing 'amakotoba'... He keep telling everyone 'baka' with Shin version and make all other seiyuu fell for for him ^w^ my bf, who watching the scenes with me keep saying 'Yikes... it's a BL between Shin and Toma...' When we saw Kaki told Hinocchi 'baka' and then Hinocchi fell into Kaki's feet >///< hahaha...
The one who's being bullied later is Gai seiyuu from Glass Heart Princess, it's his first time to attend otopaa event and he been bullied especially by Morikubo Shoutaro (Okita from Hakuouki seiyuu) in the night event when they doing variety corner >,<
I present to you, my trinity!

Namikawa Daisuke- I love when he does the serious character, like Komura Yuuichi from Hiiro no Kakera
Kaji Yuki- I LOVE his deeper voice!
Sakurai Takahiro- VA of Cloud Strife... *-*
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Oh hey! This is actually my favorite topic whenever I'm either talking to friends about anime or visiting online forum/social media. I love the seiyuu industry so much!

My favorite ones would be:

0] Sugita Tomokazu: well, at least back in 2010 when I started getting into the seiyuu via Gintama and Blazblue, if I recall the year correctly. I loved his voice, especially when it gets really threatening while in a certain character mode. Though, I find him really bad and laughable whenever it comes to romantic scenes. I remember laughing a lot in that one R18 otome game because he really held back then and I was really disappointed and amused. But if we're talking about action and funny scenes, he's totally my type of voice.

1] Hino Satoshi: If I don't include Sugita as like my standard, Hino's my all-time favorite. He was deadly in several drama cds, especially Osananajimi no Kare. I love how he gets the yandere characters, which are actually weakness, and how he's voice and voice acting are perfect in his roles!

2] Hirakawa Daisuke: I don't really need a reason at all to write here because we all know how deadly he gets. Rejet sure knows their choice of seiyuu whenever they release drama cds! And I have to admit, my favorite role from him is not in otome games / drama cd, but actually in a Hentai OVA. >.<

3] Taniyama Kishow: I added him in my top 5 because of how prolific he gets sometimes. Like there's this huuuuuuuge gap in between characters and I love how skilled and talented he is.

4] Suzuki Tatsuhisa: TBH, during the start of 2014, I debated on putting him on my top 5, mainly because I hate how he skyrocketed to fame because of Free! and I felt really selfish about it at that time. BUT, immediately after feeling that, I asked myself, why should I remove him from the list just because of his new-found fame. I'm glad I was there even before he got main roles, so who cares? And I should really be proud that I selected a seiyuu correctly and determined how great he is! And looking back, I think Wasurenagusa's Okita was a determining factor for me. He's just really great

5] And finally, the sadist Yusa Kouji tied with Narita Ken... because I really enjoy raspy and breathy voices a lot in games.
My favorite seiyuu is Miyata Kouki...:nekopara_blush:
B-because he's so... a-and his voice's so.. um...:puniko_love:

W-well I think you get it..... (^///////^)
I figured I'd reply to this since I've been away from the forum for a while and I didn't see this thread earlier.
My top five seiyuu would be:

Suzumura Kenichi - got attracted to him since young when he voiced Zack from Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- and I really liked his cute and cheerful voice

Sakurai Takahiro - I really love his Do-S and cunning characters that he does. Started loving him from FFVII as well.

Kaji Yuki - He's got a really smooth and nice voice, and sometimes cute when he does those really cute characters. First found him from FFXIII where he was voicing Hope xD

Suzuki Tatsuhisa - I recently got into him cuz he does all those cute roles like Makoto from Free!, and sometimes he does thsoe cool dudes which I really like.

Shimazaki Nobunaga - Zakki has this really cool voice which I like a lot. For some reason him doing some cool and calm characters like Haruka from Free!
I can't even rank my seiyuus because I like so many of them haha
^^^I should probably do the seiyuu sorter once I find time to

but recently I've been hooked on Sakurai Takahiro's voice and I've been searching for his works in what ever medium
I have so many favourite seiyuu, but I'm always biased towards Sakurai Takahiro~~
Any character that he plays is always my favourite, no matter even if it's just a supporting character or a total jerk

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