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  • Hello. Thank you for your message. Sorry for no reply. But I will surely reply. Now, my pm box is filled. (There is a bit complicated problem. I cannot delete past PMs). Did you chnage your avatar? I like the former one. Now thinking back, it seems for me to be figure of Count Dracula. I imagine figure of vampire. Sorry. I happent to remember "Quo Vadis" (this is not Sienkiewicz's novel, but Japanese manga, now on-going. long story. HERE is the latest volume. 14th. Jesus and Athena [child-form, but 2,000 ys-old], far-future-humans, time-leap, vampires, and Báthory Erzsébet, Vatican, etc. appear.) Regards, mrd.
    Hello. What are you doing these days. I have a bit or pretty interesting in you. Sorry for these questions. Where do you live. Why do you want to learn Italian and Japanese. What does "whiskas" mean. If you don't mind, I want to know. (Of course, You need not to reply, if you don't want.) Hungarian language was out of my interesting. Or it was in my interesting, but there were too many languages in the World. I had once tried to collect grammar books and dictionaries of various languages. But there were (are) too many languages in the World in reality. Regards, mrd.
    Hello, whiskasgirl. How do you do? I am mildis fon Liliengarten. Japanese language is not your native language, but you have deep understanding of this language. Hungarian is your mother tongue. And you are Ok in Italian, English and Japanese. Very wonderful. I wrote your Romanization contains some mistakes. But I'm sorry for this. It is difficult thing. I cannot easily understand poems in Man'you-shu. But you seem to understand. "Un mondo caotico". Well, I thought it is not French, not Spanish, not Latin. But Romatisch language. What. You wrote Italian. That is so. I only know the Italian word: "In un fiore" (En un fleur, in a flower). Song by Wilma Goich, half centuries in past. gratia. Regards, mrd.
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