Selvaria Bles
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  • Man i am too busy lately, i just saw the VM that you send some days ago!

    I really need vacations!
    I don't know where you're pre-ordering but the official site I'm pre-ordering from closed the pre-ordering quite awhile ago, so watch out for scams.
    Yes, I did. Its not that expensive compared to the Blu-Ray sets I got for the Fate franchise because it has Saber on it xD
    Then your Jeanne =/= to my Saber then, I have one and only waifu, Seiba. So no, one of your statement has to be wrong (your love for Jeanne = to my Saber or you didn't betray your Kosu Mosu)
    "what Saber is to you, Jeanne D'Arc is to me :p"

    You just declared your love for Jeanne but your waifu should be Kosu Mosu? Clearly you cheated! :D
    Alright, I will make user there hopefully soon (don't like to do it from the phone xD)
    You not 75?! :surprised:
    No wonder you look so young

    I may give this site a try, have too many sites to handle atm
    Btw, happy 75th birthday man :D

    Bad ^^...
    I feel like I lost the ability to control time long ago,
    On my free time after I watch animes I keep working on my mod project or help other's projects, I have a few stuff to take care of and then hopefully the open beta will be released and then I will be free! Free!

    I want to start some JRPGs and horror games I have sitting around so badly, one of my friends even was kind enough to surprise me and but me GTA V... but I never had time to start it and have it sitting there for more than year :P
    Just bad friend I am :chuuni_uguu:
    Nice, that's the only reason I'm getting VC remaster on PS4 since I already own the PS3, and Steam versions.
    Maybe Overwatch, but not sure yet. you?

    Do you have Samurai Warriors 4, or 4-II?
    I busy too more in hobby that turn into work you could say ^^...
    Iirc you start working after you join ASF years ago

    You still have time watch animes and play games? :P

    :lol: no worries :) i doubt that he/she might ever log in ;) it's been deactivate since august of 2014
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